
Project: Wordblasting

Two days ago I complained about how it's really hard to reach out to people in Facebook. Yesterday I realized I had a bunch of small writing ideas that couldn't carry their own project, but might be fun to share. Today I realized that G was never going to update Momenergy ever again. This gave me an idea.

I'm going to start updating Momenergy again with these bits and scraps of rants. Each one I will also send to three random people on Facebook and see how they react. The rants probably won't be available on general Facebook, but they'll always be accessible here.

Have two completely written out, one on MC Escher and one on metahumor. Going to upload them both over the next two days.


  1. Interesting idea. But how will you randomize who you send the rants to?

  2. random.org. Read the Facebook post that you;re tagged in F. =) And H, have you considered a career as a professional motivator?!
