
Word Puzzles

I love word games. Not all of them, though; things like scrabble and bananagrams never held much appeal to me. Mostly I like the ones that focus on properties of words. Word puzzles are even better. I find it incredibly fun to search for words with a given property, whether etymological, definitional, or even just structurally. Plus you can play them in your head anytime, anywhere. Here are some of my favorites. My best answers are linked.

Shortest word with all five vowels: http://tinyurl.com/7s5cpnu

Longest word without any vowels: http://tinyurl.com/88vadcg

Longest word with only one vowel: http://tinyurl.com/6upsokt

Longest word with only one type of vowel: http://tinyurl.com/6wfbmb (yeah, I'm kinda fixated on vowels)
Longest word with alternating vowels and consonants: http://tinyurl.com/894pped (if we can count y as a vowel)

Longest word with only one consonant: http://tinyurl.com/6pafg2o

I need to find some new ones. Any ideas?